Friday 24 February 2017

5) Double page spread analysis

This is a music magazine double page spread by Billboard. I searched and searched the internet for a magazine that was the same as my genre. However, I couldn't find any. So Billboard was my next best option.

The placement of the text is ironic as it looks like it has been written back to front. This makes it look effective and unique. I like how this has been done as nobody would think of doing this. This is what Billboard are known for, their uniqueness and capability of doing things that no one would think of and I really like that about the double page spread. The main title is placed at the top of the text in the centre, but not the centre of the pages as having it this was makes it look more professional.
The placement of the text is quite similar to where i have placed mine. I am going to be placing my text to the far left as well just like this magazine has but i am going to keep it normal. Instead of having 2 boxes of writing, i will have 3 so that the writing can be bigger so that it is easier to read.
The placement of the image is also quite important due to the fact that it is where the eye goes first when looking at a double page spread. This image of Beyoncé is placed on the right side of this double page spread, where they normally are for Billboard, and she is mainly on the right side apart form her hand, part of it is on the left side. I like how her whole image is on the right side, it shows her looking at her audience as if she is the Queen, showing she is the one who holds the power.
This will be where i am going to be placing my image in roughly the same place as the person I have took the picture is positioned the way I wanted it to be so that it looks right. My image will kind of run over the centre line as it's a big image and I wanted it to be so that people can see what she's doing in the image, even though it is clear what she's doing,
There aren't a lot of colours used for this double page spread. Colours such as purple, black, grey and white are the main ones used. Having purple and grey as the background is almost perfect as they contrast really well against each other. These are also the colours that make Beyoncé stand out more than it would if there was a black or white background.
I have a specific colour scale which I gathered peoples opinions and answers by doing a questionnaire. To view my results, go and have a look at my other blog post about that. The main colours that I am going to be using are grey, pale blue and black. I chose these colours because they are the ones that mostly suited my genre and is what my target audience wanted.
By having an image of Beyoncé on a double page spread, we automatically think that it is going to be about something important because she is the most successful artist in the world and the highest paid artist in the world, so obviously everyone is going to know who she is. By having a woman who represents empowerment and feminism, females from across the whole world are going to read about it.
My main  image inspiration is from Carrie Underwood because she is such an inspiration to many all over the world. Obviously i am not going to have her on my double page spread, but someone who maybe looks like her and is representing her can do the job.

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