Sunday 19 February 2017

2) Double page spread analysis

Hey again, so today I am going to be analysing another double page spread. I don't know who this magazine is by. I only chose this one to do as there aren't a lot of country music magazine double page spreads around.
The colour scheme for this double page spread is represented throughout the whole thing as there isn't just one piece of colour in a certain part of the page, there's colour all over. The main colours used are grey, black and red. The red would normally be used for a headline to make that part stand out more against the rest of the page. However, as the colour of the background is just a plain grey colour, this could be either a rock/country magazine as those types of magazines include those colours.
As my colour scheme only includes 3 main colours which are pale blue, black and white, it means that the writing of the headline and the title will stand out and catch people's eyes, drawing them into the article. My headline and title for my double page spread will be the same colour to make sure that it is consistent.
There is only one image used for this double page spread and that's okay, there doesn't need to be a lot of images to make it look presentable. On the other hand, the image is placed on the left page of this double page spread. This is unique as not a lot of images are placed on the left side of the page. The way the man is positioned in the photo is almost as if he seems calm and collected, but the way he's is slightly slanted means that he doesn't care about what anyone thinks.
I will be including 2 images on my double page spread as only having one can make people bored, and I don't want that happening. As one of my images will be blown up so that it's over the half way line, it means that it looks neat and presentable. In addition to this, the person in my photo won't be as hard looking as the man in this magazine. My photo is just going to be of the artist playing the guitar and minding their own business as it fits my genre criteria.
As there is only one image in this double page spread, it means that not many people would stop and read the article provided on the page. However, if there were more images added, more people would be curious about what it's about and would want to know more about what the images are. On the other hand, by adding another image with a different colour added, people would become more interested as to why it's there and what it could be about.
(Read above)

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