Thursday 9 February 2017

1) Contents page analysis

This music magazine contents page is more of an image dominated contents page. This look ensures that the whole front cover is mainly covered by the image. This is because it gives the reader a better look to see what will be included in that specific page. However, because of having a fairly large image, particularly for the contents page, it's not allowing there to be a lot of room for the writing so this means that there won't be a lot of content for writing about the stories that will be included. 
Although i like the image dominated look on a contents page, i find that the "Blocky look" may look better because of the colours that i am using may match with my images that i will include. Including multiple images to make it look like a collage is what i would like to do as it think it would look very effective. 
As this music magazine is using the font sans serif, it's showing that it is not a fancy magazine, unlike other specific magazines like Pop, Hip Hop etc. However, as this magazine doesn't use fancy fonts, that doesn't particularly mean that it's not a well written magazine. It still includes the conventions of another music magazine, just the font is slightly different. In addition to this, the font is also different colours, specifying what each title is for. So there's the title of the headlines in black, the name of the artist in pink and so on. On the other hand, there are bolder parts of the text giving the headline a summary. 
For my music magazine, i am thinking of using a serif font because i like the way that it looks as it's not too fancy but it's quite bold at the same time. I could use it for onomatopoeia as the text will look bold and boring but the context will be showing more than that, it will seem that the magazine is shouting but not really. However, i will also be using a couple of colours that i am using for my front cover. So including them colours into the contents page will make it look more co-ordinated and consistent.
In this particular music magazine, there aren't a lot of images, even though it is more image dominated than the "Blocky look" this is because it's not full of images but then it does have a few images which are taking up most of the page. Again, the type of image is important due to the fact that, that is what will gain people's attention. Depending on who the image is of, needing to be a country artist to be able to attract those who are fans of the country music magazines, it needs to be an important celebrity who everyone adores in the music industry.
I am going to base my images on solo artists such as Carrie Underwood as she is a country singer who is very inspirational towards the people of my target audience. However, other inspirational country artists like Taylor Swift and Dolly Parton are good examples of what i would take pictures of. Having someone who not only looks like a celebrity, but dresses like a celebrity would definitely be what i need to take photos of. 

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