Friday 3 February 2017

1) Country music magazine front cover - Dolly Parton

This music magazine is quite original as the colours are dull and don't really stand out as much as other music magazine front covers. However, this one only include a few colours and they are black, grey and white and because of this, it contrasts against the outfit that Dolly is wearing. Having a blue, red, orange and many other colours in an outfit against a grey background is going to make Dolly stand out. On the other hand, having the title in the colour black against a white background means that it will definitely catch the viewers eye. By having big and bold writing is another way to grab the readers attention and because of using someone as famous as Dolly Parton, people would want to know what it's going to be about.  
For my music magazine, i will have a grey and white background that contrasts well together and blends so that it is genre specific. It will not also help with the genre but it will also make my image stand out as the outfits will be colourful and bright, as the costumes usually are for country singers. For my headlines and titles, i will be using either black or white as it will contrast well with the background colour and the outfit that the person is wearing in my image. 

As Dolly is placed slightly towards the right but still quite centred, it's showing us that she is quite powerful in the music industry as she has the whole front cover to herself. The placement of the title is also important throughout this magazine as we get a clearer image of what it says. By having the "Dolly Parton" written in white and to the left of her, we get a better understanding. for those who don't know who she is, know who she is. Dolly is placed in front of the title of the magazine showing that she is the most important thing in that magazine. 
Throughout my front cover of my music magazine, i will make sure that the image is centre and i will make sure to use the rule of thirds to help me with that. Also, my title of the magazine will be either at the left side of the magazine or the right, i haven't decided yet. As this magazine doesn't have a lot of headlines or titles, it just has a title of the actual magazine and the name of the celebrity, i will use this as an inspiration to make the title bold and have it placed at the top of the magazine. 

A lot of other music magazines only include a few images. However, this one in particular only includes one image of Dolly Parton. This is showing that she is the main focus for one of the articles and that she may be mentioned in multiple. I like the idea of only having one image as it limits the amount of focus that there is on the whole page of the front cover. Also, by only having one image also shows that, that is where the eye goes first when looking at it. However, by having more images, it would make the reader be more intrigued as to what the magazine entails. 
I really like the idea of having one image that is centred on the magazine but for my magazine i would really like to have more than one image so that the reader would be more likely to view the magazine to keep them interested. On the other hand, i would like to include images of celebrities that i would use my friends for as i would like to include something to do with a competition for the viewers to win tickets to see their favourite celebrities live. I will also include images a celebrity who is about to go on tour and that the tickets are now on sale. I like the idea of having more than one image as it would definitely, most likely catch more viewers attention.

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