Tuesday 14 February 2017

5) Contents page analysis

Hey, so today i am going to be analysing a music magazines contents page, but it's not of my genre. This magazine is from Q who are popular for their Pop music. I couldn't find any more good country music magazine contents pages so i had to use one of another genre.
The placement on this image is quite ironic as Adele has been positioned in a way so that she is looking up towards the camera and we are looking down on her as if we love her. By having this certain image this way, it means that more people would be curious as to what has been said about her and this is what makes people want to read the magazine.
For my music magazine, i am going to be placing all of my images in the middle of the page and have the writing around the image so that it's not hard to find which picture goes with each bit of writing. As my images will all be stuck together in the middle of the page, i feel as though not only will it look effective, but it will target my audience more as it looks more towards what teenagers would buy.
However, the colour scheme is again only a few colours such as Black, red and white. Q magazine always use the same colour for each of their magazines and by doing this, it means it's quite effective. Also by making parts of the page in a grey, gloomy colour, it's contrasting against the celebrities. So they've made it so that the celebrities look good, but whats being said about them maybe isn't so good.
See my other post to find out about my colour scheme as it will all be pale colours, as thats what country music magazines are like.
Because this contents page has only used 2 images, rather than say 7 or 8. It means that people may just skip the page as it looks boring. If it were to have a load more images on, then it would maybe look more appealing to the eye and more people would read it. However, as there is also a lot of writing on the page, more people may skip it because it just looks boring and unappealing. Others prefer to have content in terms of images, so they can get a grasp of who is being talked about.
Again, look at my other posts and see what i am going to do about the images. i am going to be using Carrie Underwood as my main inspiration for the front cover of my magazine and a few other artists for my contents page.

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