Thursday 2 February 2017

Example - Kerrang music magazine

During the course of this project, we have been researching some existing music magazines in order to find some inspiration to when it comes to making our own. The specific things that we need to focus on are the target audiences as we need to make sure that our genre fits to the target audience perfectly. As well as the target audience, we need to ensure that we can target a specific gender, depending on the type of genre of the music magazine, the gender choice needs to fit. However, the colours that are included in the magazine are a big part of what the magazine. For example, on the magazine "Kerrang!" the colours are all dark like Blacks, greys and whites. This is meaning that the magazine is aimed towards older teenagers as that kind of resembles what some teenagers are like, the ones who like the dark/ heavy metal kind of music. The magazine also includes the colour gold which means that it includes a bit of class to balance the colour scale. 
                                         To make sure that the audience is being targeted correctly, the magazine includes a wide range of advertisements such as "Relentless" and including pictures of musicians to help target a wider range of audiences. However, the magazine is all about the images that have been chosen. Depending on the target audience and the genre, the range of images is up to you. So for the Kerrang! music magazine, it has a picture of an intimidating man standing in the middle of the page. This is where the rule of thirds comes in and is a very important part of the magazine as it helps to show where the eyes mostly focus on, on the magazine.
                                          On the other hand, a title for your magazine is the most important thing on there. Again, depending on the genre you choose, the title is all about what you would imagine it to be. Another example is Kerrang! again as it symbolises a loud and aggressive sound. It's onomatopoeia, meaning that there is a loud noise used to resemble the title. Finally, to make a successful music magazine, it needs to be consistent, meaning that the whole magazine needs to co-ordinate with each other and it needs to be genre specific. The genre needs to 100% fit the target audience so that people of that genre would look and read the magazine.

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