Wednesday 22 February 2017

4) Double page spread analysis

Today I am going to be analysing another double page spread by Country's music magazine. I have been looking and I finally found a country music magazine double page spread. So here we go.

There aren't really many colours that have been used for this double page spread. Not a lot of double page spreads usually use a lot of colour. They're mainly a couple colours at the most and for this one, it's pink and white. These colours can mean a load of things like love, sentimental things that mean a lot to people. This is what country music magazines are about, they do what their fans love and include what they want to see.
See my other posts about my colour scheme. I have thought a lot about what colours I will be using and even did a questionnaire. If you want, go have a look at that too, to see my results.
These images have been thoroughly thought about before they were just placed on the double page spread.  Thinking about what kind of images are used is also another important thing to think about during the course of making it. However, the placement is another. Making sure that the pages look even and neat is an aspect that needs to be done correctly otherwise people would normally just skip the page.
I have thoroughly thought about what I am going to include for my images. I have also thought about where they will be placed. I'd like to keep it neat and tidy so that it looks presentable when people are flicking through a magazine. I'd want people to see my double page spread and think, nice and professional not sluggish and unprofessional because if the images were to be placed in different places and all on one page, people would think that you wouldn't have thought much about the placement, just that they have been placed on and I don't want people to think that.
On the other hand, whoever is in the image tends to tell another story. Whether they are promoting a clothing range, a celebrity story or whatever, the images always need to be thought about, as it's what draws people to the page. For example, this double page spread is promoting corsets as they are being brought back and what they are showing is that celebrities are wearing them, showing that fashion is being at it's finest. Not saying that everyone needs one, but that they are there for those who like them, therefore are being promoted.
As I am not promoting anything in my double page spread, I don't have to include anything other than an artist. As for putting a clothing range on my double page, there would be no need as I'm not promoting any clothes. The only thing I am going to worry about for imagery on my double page spread is who I am using and what they are going to be doing in the image.

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