Friday 3 February 2017

2) Country Music Live front cover - Music magazine

This music magazine is a perfect example of what we need to do for our task. A clear image is shown to help the reader know who is going to be mentioned in the article. A lot of colours are used to help draw the attention towards the magazine. The colour is a very important aspect of a music magazine, or any magazine in general as the title needs to be bold and clear for the reader to see. By having colour in the title, allows the magazine to stand out more.
For my magazine, i am going to be only using a couple of colours so that it would contrast well against the background colour. The main colour theme i will be using is black, as it is a dark colour that really stands out and catches people's eyes. As the colours that i am using are quite dark and dull, i still think that it is quite an original idea. I may also include a pale blue colour to again contrast and blend together the whole magazine front cover.

                 However, by having short and catchy headlines for magazine articles, it helps catch the viewers attention and not only this, it helps to keep the consistency of the magazine in check and to make sure that the titles of the articles are spread out to make it look decent. The colours used in the music magazine are very colourful and bold to make sure that it stands out. The main colours used are blue, red and yellow. These are the primary colours meaning that the magazine is being kept simple and original. The headlines of the articles are just in a plain white font, this allows the reader to clearly see what's been written. 
Another important thing about a magazine front cover is the headlines so that it will give a story for inside of the magazine. it's what provides the information and gives us the little details that helps us know what the actual story is about. As this magazine has a lot of colour put into the headlines and titles, i am only going to be using a couple colours like black and a pale blue so that not only will it stand out but it will look neat and formal so that it's easy to read. I will be using a serif font to help with making it clear.

The placement of the celebrity is also another very important part of the front cover of a magazine as we need to clearly be able to see who it is and whats being said about that person. So, for this magazine, "Country music live", they have a picture of Shania Twain who is dead centre of the magazine, making sure that she is the main focus and that's where the readers eye always go. However, as this music magazine doesn't really have any more pictures other than the one of Shania Twain, people would less likely read it as it just looks plain and boring. But, on the other hand, it has a contest available for everyone to take part in.
I do like the idea of having the image in the middle of the front cover, so i am going to make the image be in the middle, but slightly towards the right. This will mean that the focus will be on the main image. As the music magazine doesn't include other images, just a coloured box with writing in saying that a contest will be taking place, i will also be doing this. However, i will be adding a couple more images so that again, the magazine will stand out.

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