Wednesday 8 February 2017

5) Country music magazine front cover - Olivia Newton-John

Hi again, getting back to the front cover analysis, here's another one.
This magazine is based on one person and that is prominently shown through the image. This is why the main image of the magazine is the most important part of the whole magazine. Not only does it help with attracting people's attention, but it helps attract the attention of the people who buy the magazine partially because it's their favourite genre of music.
As I have mentioned before that I like the idea of having only one image to be the main focus, I would like to have multiple images to help with the co-ordination. You can have a look at my other posts for what I am doing for my music magazine in the imagery convention.
The placement of this image is again quite ironic because if you look at other country music magazines, the images are mostly placed in the bottom right hand corner of the magazine. This can be because of multiple reasons, one of which is because the text reads from left to right and it makes sense to have the text written on the far left side of the front cover. It may also be because that, that is where everyone's eyes are most likely going when looking at the magazine. However, the fact that there aren't any more images on the front cover prove that Olivia Newton-John is the main focus of the magazine.
Like all other music magazines and particularly country ones, the placement of the image is completely up to the designer and I personally think that having the image in the middle of the whole page makes the image pop. Thinking back to the rule of thirds, this would help make the main image be the main focus by having it in the middle of the page. 
Not a lot of colour is used throughout the front cover of this music magazine. This can be because every country music magazine has their own style and colour. The main colours that have been used are blue, yellow, black and white. They are pretty basic colours but they also help make it stand out which is what people look for in a magazine, particularly country magazines for people who like listening to country music.
Looking through a lot of other music magazines, again I like the idea of having a few colours on the front cover as it helps to stand out. Take a look at my other front cover analysis' to see what I think of this and what I would do to my front cover in terms of the colour scheme.

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