Saturday 11 February 2017

Title ideas for the music magazine

Hey again, so today I have been thinking about some titles for my music magazine. In order for my magazine to be at the best it can be, it needs to have a good title. It's one of the main aspects of a magazine. Here are my ideas:

  • C is for Country
  • Country Life
  • Country's Finest
  • The Weekly Country
  • The Daily Country
  • A Day In The Country Life
  • Countryfied
  • The Western Swing
  • Hilbilly
  • The Western Times
  • The Country Times
I like all of these ideas as they are all short and catchy. However, there are only a couple that stand out for me. "Country's Finest" and "The Country Times" are ones that really stand out for me. These are good for titles because country music is always fine and soothing to listen to. Not only this, but there are a lot of country artists who are always being talked about in the daily news.
So, the thing that makes a good title is not only what it says but it's also to do with the font. I don't know what I am going to be using for the font yet, but I will keep publishing to keep you updated on what I think of the different fonts and what suits the title.

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