Tuesday 21 February 2017

3) Double page spread analysis

Hello again. Today I am going to be analysing this music magazine double page spread. Again, I don't know who the maker of this magazine is as I couldn't find any other country music magazine double page spreads.

I really like the colours that have been used for this double page spread. It makes the beauty of the artist really stand out a lot more than it usually would with colour. By having the background colour grey, the writing black and the actual image itself in black and white, it means that it's all natural. it's how things were in the olden days before colour was around. It looks really effective and I like the look of it.
My colours are going to be quite similar to this double page spread as I am going to be using the grey and black coloured vibe, but instead of having the image in black and white, I am going to keep mine in colour as it makes the image stand out more. Just by having ordinary black font for my article on the double page spread makes it look bold and more appearing.
The image is of Adele. She's Britain's most famous and successful artist. Known for her cover of Skyfall for the James Bond movie, she has become really successful and well known through the years. By having Adele on the double page spread, people would most likely stop and read what has to be said as she is such an inspirational artist, who wouldn't want to read what has been said?
For my image on the double page spread, I have took inspiration from Carrie Underwood and Miley Cyrus as they are existing country artists. Obviously I cannot get photos of them for my magazine, so I have to use my friends for this task. To make it more interesting, I have made sure that I have included a photo of the artist that is going to be in the double page spread, on the front cover so that the artist gets their own story, just like Adele does in this magazine.
     The placement of this image is ironic because in my other posts I said that it is quite rare for a photo to be on the left side of the double page spread. so by having the image on the right side, means that it's showing her power and how much we love her. As she is looking off towards the right side (she's looking to the left, to be literal) it's making her look professional and outgoing.
Just like this double page spread, I am going to be placing the image on the right side of the page as it does seem to look more professional. However, the person in my photo isn't looking off the page, the artist is going to be playing the guitar to keep the professionalism in check.
The type of font used for this double page spread is a serif font. This means that the writing has a flick on the letters making it look fancy and formal. I do like the look of this font. However, I do prefer just having a normal sans serif font as it does look more professional and formal.
Like I said above, I am going to use a simple sans serif font. It's more professional and makes the page look neater and formal. I'm not saying I don't like the serif font, I just prefer to have something that seems to stand out more and is easier to read.

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