Saturday 18 February 2017

Questionnaire analysis

I did an online survey where I made a few questions and got people on social media to answer them for me as they are my target audience and these are the results that I gathered.
Firstly, the colour scheme that people chose is a perfect match towards my genre as pale blue, grey and black are the colours that suit it really well. 80% of the people that answered my questionnaire picked this colour scheme.
However, for my front cover of what I am going to be having, 60% chose to have a girl/boy band, but I personally think that there needs to be a solo artist as all of the magazine front covers that I have analysed have all been solo's. The other 40% say that I should have a solo artist on the front which I agree with.
By having an interview based article for my double page spread, this means that more people are going to read it as they will be intrigued by what's going to be asked. A high 80% of the people answering said that an interview based article is what would be best for it. I agree as it's what I like to read when I get a magazine.
100% of the people who answered all said that the artist on the front cover should be featured on the double page spread. I also agree to this, as it makes it more interesting because the person who I chose to have on the front obviously has a story and something to tell.

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