Saturday 11 February 2017

3) Contents page analysis

The colours used in this contents page co-ordinate well with the whole magazine and this is what makes a good music magazine, the colour scheme. It needs to fit in with the genre of music, otherwise it's not going to look good. However, as they have only used a few colours such as black, white and blue, it's contrasting with what the people in the image are wearing, meaning it's well co-ordinated and very consistent. The makers of the magazine have thought about what goes where and what colours they will use. Other country music magazines should be the same.
The colour scheme that I will be using is quite bold colours that will represent the images that I am using. To find out more on what I am going to be doing with my colours and what I am going to be using, look at my other posts.
The images in this contents page is neither an image dominated look or a blocky look, this is because there isn't a main image and there isn't a whole load of images packed together to make it blocky. In this case, it's just a normal, regular contents page. These are the type of contents pages you would see in a regular magazine, not a music magazine. On the other hand, the images do contrast well with the colours of the text.
As much as I do like the image dominated look, I do prefer having the blocky look of images on the contents page as it does seem to look neater than just having one images. What I was thinking of doing was either having 6-8 images all huddled together in hexagons on the contents page and I am going to try and make the edges where the other images meet each other blend together so that it looks like it's all one. So, this kind of makes it look like it's an image dominated contents page, but it's actually a blocky look.
The type of font used is sans serif, meaning that the text is bold and clear. By having this type of font, it is allowing us to be able to read it easier than it having a serif font, meaning it's a more fancy font that may be harder to read as the flicks on the letters are more excessive and prominent. However, a sans serif font is making the contents page neater than a serif font because it looks more clean virtuous.
I like the idea of using the sans serif font for my contents page for the music magazine because of what I said (what's written above in black) about it looking more bold. I also wrote more about what I thought in my other 2 posts about the contents page, go have a look and see what I am talking about.

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