Monday 13 March 2017

Front cover review

Hello, today i am back with a review for my Front cover rough cut. This is what i have created. I like the way i have the image more to the left than the centre as it shows that nothing in the whole of the magazine is particularly important. I also like how there is more than one image used as it shows that the whole magazine has more than one story, other than the story behind the main image.

To improve, i am going to change the main image so that people can actually see her face. A magazine wouldn't be able to sell very well if no one could see the face of the main person of the magazine. As well as doing this and improving the image, i will also make sure that my writing is not centered and maybe have it so that it's a straight edge on the right side of the writing so that it looks neat and in order.

I really like the clothing that is on the person on the main image as it really fits well with my genre. People can tell what my genre is just by looking at the person. However, to improve, i'm thinking of making sure that the other people in the photos are also wearing other clothing so that it looks like they are actually country artists and are people who are actually from Texas and around that area.

As i have continued using the same colour of the background all throughout my coursework. Using this shade of blue throughout my front cover, contents page and double page spread, this is making it look a bit boring and bland. So to improve this i may add some extra colour so that it looks like it contrasts. I like the idea of having the lighter blue go to a darker blue. I got this inspiration from my first front cover analysis where the colours were contrasting really well with each other, so i have decided to carry that out just for my front cover maybe.

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