Tuesday 14 March 2017

Contents page review

This is the rough cut of my contents page. I don't really like this contents page as it doesn't really look like something you would find in a country music magazine. You would probably see this in a school magazine so i am going to change the whole layout and have a look at other country magazine contents pages to get more inspiration.

Although i do like the colour scheme in this, i think that the colour of the boxes of the text is coming off a bit too strong so that it looks blotchy and i don't like that effect. So, in order to improve this, i am going to change the colour completely and just not have a colour. As the whole layout of the contents page is changing, the text will look better without having a coloured background on it. I will make the page numbers more bolder and bigger and also making sure that there are multiple pages. Only having a magazine that goes up to page 14 is not acceptable and completely unlike country music magazines.

There are a few more improvements that needs to be made to this contents page for it to pass. Simple things like adding page numbers and the title of the magazine to the top of the page would make it look like the page is busier. Also the font of the writing needs to change as it looks like New Times Roman. However, the biggest thing that needs to change is the variety of shots for my images. So all of the images needs to be changed and took again. Having something like a close up, a midshot or even an extreme close up would be better than just having all the images the same as a long shot.  

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