Friday 17 March 2017

Contents page images


Hey again, today i am going to be talking about the images that i will be changing and how i will be improving them. 

The original photos that i had for my contents page are all of the same shot, meaning that it wouldn't get me many points as there isn't a variety of shots.

Looking at my contents page, you can tell straight away that i need to re-take my photos as they are all from the waist and upwards. By re-taking my images, it would allow there to be a more wider range of shots and this could get me a higher grade.

However, by having the same shots, it looks boring. Audiences of the magazine would want to see different shots and be able to see the artists face for a close up. 

On the other hand, by changing the position of the images and having a change of scenery would ensure that the reader of the magazine wouldn't be bored whilst looking through the contents page and seeing the same images which are took in the same place.

Also, by changing the stance of the person in the images would also show different emotions throughout the contents page. Having someone super serious, then someone else happy and someone else looking like they're enjoying themselves would also mean that people aren't bored of seeing the same expression on each of the people's face in each image.

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