Friday 17 March 2017

Development of my contents page

Hey again, this is the development of my contents page.

I decided to completely change the layout of my contents page as i thought that my old one was more of a contents page for a school magazine. So in order to get the look of an actual country music magazine contents page, the whole layout needed to change, so by having the page numbers bigger and standing out, it looks more neater. By having the images where the boxes are now and next to the page numbers, the readers won't be confused as to which image goes to which story. By having the circle in the middle of the page with social media links and things like that, really brakes the images up so that it's not all images. I needed to include more information about the magazine, so things about social media was something that i really needed to include. On the other hand, the title of the actual magazine also needed to be included so i have done that. I also think that the addition of the boxes around the numbers also helps the page look neat and organised which is what i was going for.

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