Wednesday 15 March 2017

Double page spread review

This is my rough cut of the double page spread and i really feel like this is the most successful out of the three pages. I really like the image that i have included within the double page spread as it shows a sentimental value to the person in the image as she is holding and playing a guitar, showing she's doing what she loves. 

The use of the quote as the title of the page is also what really makes the page pop as it is the biggest thing on the page (other than the image) and is bold so that people will want to read it. 

However, the use of the second quote amongst the writing is also quite effective as it really breaks the text up and makes people want to read it. On the other hand, the use of the circle in the top right hand corner also fills the space out so that it doesn't look as boring. I have also included a competition and a website to make people want to be included within the magazine.

Alternatively, just little things like adding a page number and social media accounts to the page can really make it more effective and it means that the magazine company can gain more followers as well as the artist on the page. Other than that, i really like the way that this double page spread has turned out. Everything just co-ordinates really well and comes together nicely. The image and the guitar just compliment the text and what is being said about the artist. I'm happy with this outcome, even for a rough cut, it is the best out of the 3.

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