Tuesday 28 March 2017

My Article

Q: Obviously every celebrity gets hate comments, but how do you deal with them?
A:The way every other celebrity deals with it really, just to ignore it and try to move on with my life. By letting all the comments get to you is not doing anything good for you, you just got to deal with it and try not to let it get to you. There are some pretty hurtful comments floating around social media these days, but all I say to myself is “They must have nothing better to do with their lives if they keep talking about me” I mean why talk about me if you don’t even like me. So yeah, just to ignore it and push past it, get through it as if it’s just a cold.

Q:Could give your fans a bit of advice about bullying and maybe talk a little about your experience with bullying?
A:A bit of advice for my fans would probably have to be to not let anyone get you down, all those bullies that you witness, there are simple things that you can do to help yourself or anyone else in need. Tell a teacher if it’s getting bad, but most importantly tell a parent. I remember when I was in middle school, I was constantly getting bullied because of my looks, the clothes I wore, the little things that you wouldn’t think mattered. I got bullied for all those things. The worst part was, I didn’t tell anyone about what was happening, I didn’t tell my parents, or a teacher. I dealt with it. I grew up to be the woman I am today just pushing past the haters and ignored them. That’s what I would say to my fans, to ignore it and tell an 
adult, it’s not the end of the world.

Q:If you could go backto when you were younger and give yourself one bit of advice,what would it be?
A:Going back to when I was younger,I’d probably tell myself to not care on what anybody thinks 
of me. I was very self-conscious with what I looked like and the only way to carry on with my life was to just keep my head down and not make eye contact with anybody. So I would tell myself that it’s their own opinion and it doesn’t matter, all that matters is my own opinion, no one elses, and to never forget that.

Q:Enough about that, lets talk   music. So what does your music mean to you?
A:Music is everything to me, it’s practically my life. It helped me when I was down. It was the only thing that helped me with my problems. I could write down all my fears and problems and make them into a song and I wanted to share that with the world to help people who were my age when I was dealing with bullying you know. I want to inspire younger children to be who they  are and to not let themselves get down because someone says they aren’t capable. Music,  in my eyes, is my life and  no bully/      
hater is going to stop me from doing what I  love.
Q:What do you think defines artist?
A:An artist to me is someone who can inspire someone else just by singing a song. An artist is also someone who can pour all of their emotions into a song and help teenagers get through with their lives.

Q:Whats it like to be touring the world?
A:It’s incredible. I never thought I’d get the opportunity to sing songs to the world, let alone tour it. It’s the most amazing feeling going out on stage and seeing all my fans singing along and holding signs up. It gives me the chills, because they inspire me to do what I’m doing.

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