Saturday 18 March 2017

2) Clothing Inspiration

This artist is called Dustin Lynch and we can tell immediately that this is a country artist.

The clothing in particular defines who he is and what he does. I have used similar clothing for the person on my image for the front cover of my music magazine as it really shows that it is a country magazine.

Everything about the image shows us that it is country. The clothing, the position in which the person is standing and the place where the image has been took. On the other hand, the name of the artist, Dustin, is also a very country name suggesting he was born in a southern country.

I really like clothing that has been picked for this image, it really suits the person and everything just goes well together. I took inspiration from this image as I have also used a hat on the person for my image.

However, I will also be taking inspiration from the person himself, and make the person in my image smile. A lot of other music magazines don't normally have people smiling on the front cover, but a few country magazines do. So, in order for my to get the correct look, I need to retake a few images and maybe change the scenery a bit and make the person smile.

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