Tuesday 14 March 2017

Choosing the correct font

Hello again, today i am going to be showing you the different types of fonts that i have used within my Front cover, Contents page and my Double Page Spread. I will also be showing you what i am going to be changing some fonts to. For example, there is a font called "Goudy Old Style" and i used this for my font for the front cover. However, it looked too much like to normal "New Times Roman" so i have to change it so that it is unique. 

This is the font that i will be using now for the front cover of my magazine so that it doesn't look as thought it has just been done without thought and that i have done research into the types of fonts used.
This font, "Papyrus" is nice to use as it looks quite old and definitely unique. By having this font, it allows the text to be big and bold and will allow the reader of the magazine to be able to read it clearly.  

However, this is the font that i am using for the title of my magazine and for the contents page as it looks neat and bold. On the other hand, as it is a country music magazine, it means that the font would fit into the genre really well. I have seen a lot of other country music magazines that just have a plain old font on the front cover, i don't really think that it would fit the look of the page. Having a colourful background then having a plain white font on top of that is going to ruin the whole look. So this is why i have used a fancy font, "Pristina".

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