Monday 20 March 2017

Fonts for my Double Page Spread

Hey! Today I am going to be showing you the fonts that i have used for my double page spread.
The font of the headline of the double page spread is Myriad Pro. This font really helps the title of the article look more professional than any other font would. 

The font of the sub-headline is called Goudy Old Style. This is the same font as the text i have for the front cover of the magazine. I chose this particular font because i wanted it to co-ordinate well and have the same font running through the whole of the magazine.

The font of my article is called Poetsen One. I really like this font as it fits well with my genre and is quite funky, but not too funky as it's not as fancy as other fonts.

I chose this font to have on my article because again it looks professional and goes well with the rest of the double page spread. 

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