Monday 1 May 2017

Evaluation adjustments

Hey again, so today I am going to be showing you my PowerPoint that I have made for my evaluation and where I am up to, what needs finishing and stuff like that.
Question 6 is the question where we answer about what we have learnt about technologies from the process of making the magazine (as you can probably tell from the picture below) but since there is a lot to answer for this question, I thought I would share some of it with you.
One of the many things that I have learnt is about the rule of thirds and how important it is to use it when taking a photo as it is used to centralise a model inside of an image, but as you can probably tell, my model in the image isn't central, I've done this on purpose as I wanted the model to be looking off camera so that they look off guard and relaxed.
As for the other images, it's showing the many camera angles and shots that I have took. From an over the shoulder shot playing the piano, to long shots and mid shots. This helps wider the range of photos out as having only one would make it boring by having all the images the same.
However, as I have finished this question, I will be going back into question 5 where I have created a video that needs to be put into the PowerPoint. This video is very important as it's an interview showing what needed to be changed from my rough cut to my final cut, the very final magazine I have created. I will keep you updated with my video and show you the process of making it.